Spring is here, and that means more play outside. We’re working hard behind the scenes to bring the JUMP! playground into being. We thought it was also a good time to freshen up our look and do some Spring Cleaning of our website. Working off the original website that John English, of English Specialty Arts, has so graciously provided to us pro bono, we have enlisted the generous work of Andrea Stafford to bring us a new platform that us JUMP!sters can manage on our own to provide more timely updates and news.
We’ve recently received a $3000 grant from Skookum, did not get any funding on another application and are waiting to hear from the PT Rotary grant. We are working with the country’s oldest continual Playground manufacturer to bring our vision of an inclusive and accessible Playground for all at HJ Carroll Park.
So take a stroll around the website and let us know what you think. Hope to see you at the Caspar Babypants concert on May 3rd at Salish Coast. Thanks for all of your support.