The playground is TEMPORARILY Closed until FURTHER NOTICE for installation of Phase 2. Check our Facebook page for updates.

Our Mission

To build the first accessible and inclusive playground in Jefferson County,WA as soon as possible.


In 2016, Sarah Grossman, a local Physical Therapist working in the Chimacum School district had 3 pre-school students on her caseload that couldn’t walk. The school playground was not accessible for their wheelchairs and walkers. With no money in the school budget to modify the playground and encouraged to apply for grants, she decided to look into getting a Community-wide Accessible Playground built, enlisting the help of her colleagues, parents of special needs students and friends. Thus formed JUMP! Jefferson Universal Movement Playground, a group of pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapists, parents of children with special needs and other interested community members. We joined with the Mike Beery Memorial Childrens Fund (MBMCF - Tax ID 81-1554207) as our Fiscal Sponsor in 2017 in order to accept tax-deductible donations.

Our hope is to provide a space where all families can come and have their children experience challenging and stimulating play on an accessible, safe and fun playground, centrally located in East Jefferson County.  The playground we envision will provide a variety of motor and multi-sensory experiences that children of differing ages and abilities will be able to play on. The accessible surfacing will allow parents, friends, grandparents or other caregivers who use assistive mobility devices (walkers, canes, wheelchairs) a place to roll up or safely walk to and sit on a bench to watch their children play.

“The JUMP! playground will enhance HJ Carroll Park by providing opportunities for all children to get active, explore, and grow. I can remember being a parent of a small child and the importance of playgrounds for the whole family’s health, and sanity! Families from all over our county can meet, share and support each other during this important time of life. The playground is especially important in that it will be useful and accessible to children with disabilities. It will be the only playground of its type in the entire County. The project is well planned, and very high quality. It could serve its purpose for the next 20 years or more.”
— Matt Tyler, Manager Jefferson County Public Works, Parks and Recreation Division – Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this project. (360) 385-9129 or

Who will it serve?

This playground is for every child in Jefferson County.  Per population statistics from the 2016 Census, that would roughly be about 3500 children under the age of 16. It is designed so that children with motor and other disabilities will be able to engage and play on it, alongside their peers and siblings that do not require any accommodations.  The JUMP! playground is the only playground in the area that is truly inclusive. It addresses the developmental needs of the whole child by intentionally providing opportunities for physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional and sensory development.  

It is for everyone, not just for those with disabilities. This link from NPR about inclusive and accessible playgrounds highlights the importance of play for all children, and to be able to share those experiences together, not in isolated situations just for special needs. Here is a YouTube video by Shane’s Inspiration also explaining the importance of Inclusive Play.